
Saturday, March 25, 2006

Spring Break

<--- A picture of Shuishui, working on the project of Ocean Park. Doesn't he look like a dancer? I think so! Ha..

This spring recess is just a working week rather than a break. Sitting in the Media Lab for 9 hours yesterday, making my Hollinsdance web site.
Today I refused to look at the computer again. I had a rehearsal for 4 hours, but just finished a bit, no inspiration!!!
Yup! Still have thousand things needed to be done!
Making the Sound score + Shooting video for the Projector + Editing Multimedia project + Contemporary Art reading + Writing thesis Profolio....
I wish I could have 60 hours a day....

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Karinne's Showing

Last night after a conversation with Karinne Keithley , something coming into my mind. I found there're quite a lot ideas flowing in and out, which make me so excited!
  1. Make a dance video
  2. Make a sound score
  3. Take a series of photograph
  4. Make a Photo Diary
  5. Use photo to make a narrative video
  6. Write something about dance/ life
  7. Use the writing as text in dance

I know, I know... All are time consuming, so much things need to be figured out...

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Ki Fung's 17th Birthday

photo shot: Ki Fung + Dad + Mum
細佬十七歲的生日... 第一年不能和他一起慶祝..
Mummy 說她買了黑森林蛋糕.. 是的, 一如以往, 仍然是黑森林蛋糕.. 下一年要有點新鮮感吧?! 或許由我做個 Homemade Cake 啦! 好嗎?!
Mum and Dad都沒怎麼的變, 只是細佬好像又長大了一點... 真的不能相信他已十七歲了! 在我的腦海裡, 仍是浮現著他一、兩歲那時惡爺的樣子... 怪不得 Mummy 說, 看回我們兒時的相片是那樣的感慨...
是的, 感慨時間真的走得太快了...

Sunday, March 12, 2006

American College Dance Festival

Totally exhausted! I've taken serveral classes in these thress days:
Alvin Ailey II
Master Class
U of Wyoming
General MacArthur Hambrick
Colorado State U
Chung Fu Chang
U of Utah
Kaye Richard
Satu Hummasti
Brent Schneider

A good chance to look at other schools' eductaion, also the students' works. However, the 4 hours showing really drove me crazy!

Congratulation! Ashley's Ways and Means got into the Gala Performance!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Flying to Wyoming

6 a.m.
Wyoming's American Dance College Festival
從 Hollins 出發, 我 + Lina + Jung Eun 坐 Regina 的車到Washington Airport. 四個小時, 和 Eun 說著笑著, 不知怎的, 每次和 Eun 傾計, 也令我特別的想家...

10 a.m.
又坐在候機室了, 我想起了這年來的來來去去, 都好像是昨天發生的事... 想起了八個多月前離開香港的心痛又徬徨, 是哭得死去活來... 也想起了年多前與男朋友仔在雅加達機場待過的一晚, 很黑暗但溫暖... 今天我的心情已很平靜, 是的, 不知怎麼, 感覺到那日子愈來愈相近... 我在期待, 期待著下一次興奮的心情...

12:45 p.m.
在機場待了兩個小時, 終於都登機了! 又是四個小時的飛程 --- 看書 + 睡覺!

4:30 p.m.
到達 Wyoming, 時差兩個小時, 即是那裡的 2:30 p.m. 而已.... 又要揸車到 Laramie 啦! 又是四個小時, 我已不能再坐著了!

7:30 p.m.
所有人都餓得發瘋了! 我們沒有去看 Alin Ailey Opening Performance, 到了 Applebee Dinner!

11:30 p.m.
Check in! 住在 Hampton Inn, 還好, 距離 University of Wyoming 不遠... 和 Kristin + Lina + Jung Eun 同房, 經過一天的勞動, 很早便睡了! (也不早, 已是 Virginia 的 1 a.m. 了)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Something is Missing

Contemporary Art Project, based on BODY
I long for the sake of my body. I look at it closer and closer. Until at a point, all is blurred. Then I know that, something is missing...

Dealing with the concept of the entire body, I decide to use the dismembered doll to make a short video. The idea was evoked by my thesis --- seeking for the connection of the art (dancing by the body) and life (mind from the real soul). I've been thinking a lot about the matters of body and soul, trying to find a way to connect these two coexistent but somehow sepereated forms. I believe we are 'alive' only when living with the soul.
The two dolls in mirror represent the inner self (physical body) and outer self (the soul)--- how we could free ourselves to face and listen to our deep self. Without the mind, something is still missing even the dismembered body parts are combined or the doll is dressed up. It's only a 'body'.
Indeed, I got a hard time of working on my piece. In order to get the deep understanding of my body, I focused with the body parts one by one seperatedly. However, I went too far away. I suddenly realized that the entire body (with soul) is lost as I missed out the connection of the whole one. Thus, I feel something was missing --- my entire and real self.
Through the doll's eyes, all it could see is only the dismembered body-- hand, leg.. When we want to know more, we look at it closer and closer. Until it's blurred, we realize that the whole picture is lost.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Green Tea Latte'

昨天自閉在家中, 整理一堆雜亂的 notes, 和努力的寫 Thesis Journal... 在laptop前一坐就坐了一整日, 弄得我的 sit bones 好痛哩!
今天要出去走走吧! 星期日又是到 Launtromat 的時候, 這次還一併乾洗了, 好懶哩! 也不理得所有衫都細了一個碼... 然後又要到 Media Lab 繼續 edit 我的 Contemporary Art Project..(還是要坐在電腦前...但總算是換換環境嘛..)
三個小時的努力, 終於都完成了! 要獎勵一下自己吧?! 跑到 Take 10 買我最愛的 Mocha Javalanche... 卻發現 Java City 這個月的 new promotion -- Green Tea Latte' ! 雖然我不太好綠茶, 可是遲疑了五秒, 還是決定試一試! ummm... 就如它說 "it's a sip of true serenity"... 是意想不到的喜歡呢! 讓我想起了用著的 Missha 的 DSW skin shower, 同樣是滲著平靜又清新的氣味...

Friday, March 03, 2006

On the way

生活總有太多的沮喪嗎? 令您感到很疲累了吧?!
如果此刻您能躺在我的身旁, 明天也許我會走得輕快一點...

可是我最愛的, 請不要倒下來...
選擇了的路, 從來都沒有錯或對... 只要努力的走下去, 總會看得到夢想..
若然最後都是不能看見, 也不要緊... 一路上的精彩, 也有我伴著您...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Unlike Likeness

Art is something to move your inside to the physical world.
by Kiki Smith
是的, 於是我們才會如此不可救藥的沉溺.. 在這介乎夢想與現實的世界裡, 有時候我也感到那樣的迷惘... 太多的問題縈迴在心中, 我努力的尋找著答案...找到也好, 找不到都好, 我追求的不過都是這一點點的曾經吧... 走過了的, 我都會記得...
<---下午走到 Library 的時候, 看見 Main Building 門外不偏不倚的座著一個馬桶, 呆了一下... 可是奇怪的, 這物件與空間的錯配, 感覺卻是如此的相襯...
Yup!The Unlike Likeness! 這便是 Visual Art 叫做 Visual Art 的原因吧?! 不是每一樣事情都有情理, 有時候總要用眼睛看過了才會明白...
* Really enjoy Gabriel Orozco Kiki Smith 的video!