Contemporary Art Project, based on BODY
I long for the sake of my body. I look at it closer and closer. Until at a point, all is blurred. Then I know that,
something is missing...

Dealing with the concept of the entire body, I decide to use the dismembered doll to make a short video. The idea was evoked by my thesis --- seeking for the connection of the art (dancing by the body) and life (mind from the real soul). I've been thinking a lot about the matters of body and soul, trying to find a way to connect these two coexistent but somehow sepereated forms. I believe we are 'alive' only when living with the soul.
The two dolls in mirror represent the inner self (physical body) and outer self (the soul)--- how we could free ourselves to face and listen to our deep self. Without the mind, something is still missing even the dismembered body parts are combined or the doll is dressed up. It's only a 'body'.
Indeed, I got a hard time of working on my piece. In order to get the deep understanding of my body, I focused with the body parts one by one seperatedly. However, I went too far away. I suddenly realized that the entire body (with soul) is lost as I missed out the connection of the whole one. Thus, I feel something was missing --- my entire and real self.
Through the doll's eyes, all it could see is only the dismembered body-- hand, leg.. When we want to know more, we look at it closer and closer. Until it's blurred, we realize that the whole picture is lost.