
Monday, July 31, 2006

Hong Kong Arts Museum

心血來潮, 和男朋友仔到了「香港藝術館」... (原來我是從未去過的?!?!?!) 看了幾個 exhibitions, 最喜歡「髮語」: 一個裝置藝術, 谷文達的《聯合國 - 中國紀念碑: 天壇》+ 梁美萍的《記憶未來》... ummm... 就是感覺很深...

晚上我們和 Ben + Monica 在青衣城的 C'est bon! 食 French Cuisine.... O... my Gosh! so YUM! 用了兩個小時消滅了九個 dishes, 不油不膩, 卻很滿足...

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Baby Buddha

今日約了 阿 Kit 食 Lunch --- 一位相識很久很久的好朋友... 從中學的柴娃娃時代, 到現在都有十多年了吧?! 我們不是時常相見, 也許幾個月至半年才會相約出來... 卻不知怎的, 感情很要好... 是的, 有些人, 是注定相夾的, 不用多說, 一切也自然的明白了... 這些友誼, 才叫經得起考驗吧?!

等男朋友仔放工, 夜晚到了中環的「Baby Buddha」--- 一對尼泊爾夫妻開的 Pub, 小小的, 感覺很自家, 環境也不錯... 男朋友仔說這間 Pub 是因門口那間廟仔而命名的... 我離開了的這一年, 他便常常來這裡喝酒, 也在廟仔裡上香... 可是這天, 我終於能坐在他身旁, 男朋友仔不再孤獨了吧...

Saturday, July 29, 2006


搬回家, 覺得屋子裡好像比從前縮細了... 獨居了一年, 現在要和細佬 share 一間睡房, 真的有點不習慣... 也沒辦法吧! 總沒理由一回來便搬出去的... 昨天留在家裡執拾, 棄掉很多以前留下的「珍品」, 兩喼行李還沒清空, 一地子的雜物, 好苦惱哇!!!

<--- 和男朋友仔揸車去了西九龍 - 沿著海邊的一條小徑, 放了一排燈箱, 有圖案的、有字畫的... 每個燈箱頂也裝了幾條鐵棒, 海風吹過時會叮叮作響的, 很舒服...
再入了西貢「滿記」... Sweet dessert Sweet... 是的, 即使現在到處都有著分店, 可是始終比不上這一間的... 就是那種山長水遠走入西貢, 而吃到 HoneyMoon 的味道, 多麼的滿足!

Friday, July 28, 2006


今天和男朋友仔暫時脫離一下現實, 入了 Disney... 如我們所料, 沒什麼吸引的東西, no grandeur, no surprise... 都是志在看看一班舊朋友的表演罷了! (最感興趣的, 是從欣澳站搭到迪士尼站的地鐵地箱 - 很喜歡那「Mickey 窗框」和大梳化) 時差的關係, 好累... 逛了一個下午便離開了...
在油麻地的「橫剛」食晚飯 - 好掛念的「香蔥拉麵」!!!

* Cindy 在「Full Cup Cafe」開了個 Party, 除了慶祝她的二十五歲生日外, 也是一個 Gathering... 很久也沒那麼的人齊了, 如果 Carol 也在, 便是當年 APA 的原班人馬哩! 雖然離開了一段日子, 可是感覺也依舊的親切... 是的, 改變是有的... 可是我相信, 總有些東西, 是長留心裡的...

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Window Shopping

YEAH! 男朋友仔請了三天假期! 二人世界!
在樓下的大排檔吃了我至愛的「冬菇+生菜+粗麵」... ummm.... 久違了! Yum!
然後去了 APM 和 朗豪坊, 只是 Window Shopping 也好快樂呢! 很久也沒有到 Mall 行街喇! 我們決定買一對手鈪做個紀念, 看中了一對黑鋼的, 遲點一定帶「它們」回家!
晚餐是: 一大碗酸辣麵、爆醬小籠飽、紅油抄手, 全是我和男朋友仔的首選上海菜!
再在 UA 看了夜場 "Cars", 加牛油(咸)焦糖(甜)爆谷, 好滿足哩!
快樂、好快樂的一天! 其實到那裡、吃什麼, 都沒所謂了吧! 兩口子簡簡單單的便行了, 在身邊已很足夠... 是的, 這樣才是生活...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

HOME, I'm Back!

昨天 4 am 到了機場, 別過了 Regina, 從 North Caroline 飛到 Torondo, 再轉機到香港...
在這廿十個小時的飛程裡, 我沒有怎樣的睡, 心裡暗暗的倒數著, 很平靜... 只是, 還有點不相信...
1 pm 飛機徘徊在上空, 和地面之間隔了一層厚厚的塵... 可是仍隱約的看見了香港, 不知怎的, 感覺很蕩漾...
家, 我回來了...
拖著兩個行李走出機場, 第一個看見了的, 是男朋友仔... 他抱著我, 哭了很久... 是的, 這一個擁抱, 和十三個月前離開時那一個, 一樣的窩心... 可是這一次我並沒有哭... 是快樂得哭不出來了... 嗅到他身上的氣味, 只感覺一切一切都可以釋然...
我最愛的人, 謝謝您遵守了對我的承諾... 我也終於走到了您的面前...
細佬也有來接機, 又長高了, 身邊也多了一個女孩子, 很 Puppy Love 的味道呢!

夜晚和媽咪、爹地、男朋友仔去了元朗「稻香」打邊爐: 很久沒吃過的金菇、魷魚、韮菜餃、芋絲、蝦... 好滿足哇!
我覺得媽咪好像 young 了, 思想也 open 多了, 還是那樣的好中氣; 爹地就沒什麼兩樣啦, 也沒一點老態, 看見他兩都精神奕奕, 我也安慰...

之後和男朋友仔去了旺角 Neway, 因為今天是 Ben 的 Birthday嘛... 我便是一份現成的生日禮物呢! 回到男朋友仔的家, 很親切... 肥仔也認得我哩, 好開心哇!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

8 minutes

我用了八分鐘的時間, 說了一個一年的故事... 心裡是從未有過的洶湧... 在台上結束這一段旅程, 是最完滿了吧?!..

I want to say...say a little thing...just a little thing... 一點點...走過一點點...懷抱一點點...捨棄一點點...一點點...一點點...一點點...感到一點點...想到一點點...聽到一點點...看到一點點...快樂一點點...悲傷一點點... Maybe more...more...and more...Can you Hear me? 靜止...... 閉上眼, 我會看得見您... I remember... 在動與靜之間...現實與回憶的交界... I remember You... You are here...I was Here...I am Here...Right here...Right now...I want to say...say a little thing... 一點點...我想說的, 其實不只一點點...回憶沉澱著...盛載得很重...很重... Can you Hear me? 您在哪裡?怎麼我看不見您? I am Here...Right here...Right now...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The most intellgent person

最後一堂 Tommy 的 history 了! 我們送了一本 Scrapbook 給他, 也買了個超級 rich 的朱古力蛋糕, 寫了我們的 In-Joke, "Come on! Let's Dance for Pancake!" Tommy 也為我們表演了隻 Tap, 第一次看他跳舞哩... 也許都是最後一次吧!
"Thank you, Tommy! You are the most intelligent people I have ever met! It's really great and lucky to have you! Although it has only been two summers, but you totally opened up my mind and view. Your generous made me feel comfortable with 'HISTORY' which I used to get frightened of. I really enjoyed the dynamic and energy we shared even during these stressful day! We love you!"

難得齊人, Jung Eun 今天送了我們一人一個 handmade 小陶瓷, 多謝我們一年來的 love & care.... Another touching moment in the silent air...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Last Week of ADF

* LAST WEEK OF ADF * Countdown 已進入單位數字 *
下個禮拜的這個時候, 我就在飛機上了! 真的真的不能相信....
今天撕下了幾張 Memo 紙...
1) Color print of Thesis Portfolio
2) Final Draft of Thesis Portfolio
3) Edit + Burn DVD
4) Close Bank Account
這兩天要努力寫完 History 最後的一份 paper 哇!

* My Dear, think clearly what you really want, and what would work best for you. I understand how difficult it is to make choice, especially in our Art Field... You know, every path is harsh to get through , but it'd be worthy if you are enjoying along the way... Grab every chance in front of you.
And whatever you choose, I'd also support you.. I always believe in you...

Sunday, July 16, 2006


貼滿了一牆的 Memo 紙 --- 十百萬樣東西要想、要做、要記! 我的腦袋已盛載不了!
是的, 忍耐著... 忍耐著... 忍耐著... 時間會過, 一切便會好的...

今天所有 pieces 都在 Open Showings 裡 preview 了, 每人有 二十分鐘, 主要是讓 ASM 清楚一些 Cues 位... 雖然用不到 projection, 不過也 run 過了段 SOLO, 好像安心一點的...
星期一便是 Thesis Portfolio 的 DUE date 了! 這個 weekend 要努力喇! 不過其實都只是 "Afterword" 和 "Acknowledgement" 還沒完成罷了... 最煩厭的, 都是那些 citaton 哇!!!

* 男朋友仔, 我喜歡您的名字!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Coming together

ADF 的第五個星期又過了一半... 昨天 Lina 來了 rehearsal 幫我 shooting, 隻 SOLO 開始 come together 喇! 終於安心一點... 改了 beginning & ending (要 make firm choice 了, 不可再三心兩意!) 今天 Run through 了兩次, 也不錯的, 只是要再抓緊一點 timing...
是很累了, 可是仍要 keep my Body moving 哩, 要不然我定會倒下的... 上了 1:30 pm 的Mark Haim, 在 Ark 裡熱得發瘋, 出了一身大汗後, 感覺卻是如此的暢快... 這才像樣嘛! 總比對著那些 paperworks 來得快樂! It Sucks!
今晚看了 Ronald K. Brown/ Evidence Dance Company, 很喜歡 Shani 哩! You Rock!
* 淋了一場大雨.......... 討厭的下雨天...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Blue Towel

男朋友仔 email 我的 working photo!!!! 好開心哇! 在緊湊的生活裡, 帶給了我一陣子的安寧... (每次看見他綁著這條頭巾, 我也會想起四年前的那情景... 那第一眼... 遠遠的, 卻銘心...)

MuiMui 仍未病好, 加上時差, 日夜癲倒了, 睡得死去活來..
今朝踫到了Dai Jian, 說起了嘉詠... 對了, 她和 Elaine 也差不多會過來 U.S. 吧, 可惜我快回去了... 八月尾在香港見吧...
排了兩個鐘自己的 solo, 不太 productive, 因為太累, 沒有 fully Run Through 過成隻舞... 不能相信下個星期便要 show... GOSH!
看了 Lina 的 rehearsal... 上了 Mark Haim 1:30 pm 的 Good class... 到了 Open Showings... 看了 Kristin, Christine 和 Sherone 三隻 pieces...

很喜歡今晚的 performances 哩 --- Keigwin + Company
感覺很新鮮.... Refresh my Eyes!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

the Hardest time

昨天 Brenda 的 presentation: Having It All - Dancing and Motherhood in 3 American Companies, 感動得很... 雖然還未能身同感受, 可是當我看著 Brenda Daniels、DonnaFaye、Lisa Race、Linda、Jennifer Nugent... 心裡是不由得不佩服的...
今天的 Open Showing, Linda 重跳了 Alvin Ailey 的 Cry.. 相隔十年, 蘊藏了的是什麼? 也許除了她自己外, 是沒有人能理解了吧?!... 哭了... 是因為莫名的感動, 是因為看到了一個歷史, 一個女人的身體與生命的一個歷史..
這幾天的情緒動盪得很, 不只是我, 而是整個 M.F.A. group...

This is the HARDEST time I've ever had in my life...
Only by holding on could I get over it ...I know I know... But I just feel so overwhelmed by all the things happening... How many could I accomplish in these two weeks? I am piece off....

Friday, July 07, 2006

The Eight Irresistible Principles of Fun

Are you having FUN?
We don't have enough FUN in our Lives
FUN is the pinch of salt that brings out Flavour
FUN is the backbeat that gives the song its rhythm
FUN is the first date that makes the heart go faster

Stop Hiding Who You Really Are
Start Being Intensely selfish
Stop Following the Rules
Start Scaring Yourself
Stop Taking it all so Damn Seriously
Start Getting Rid of the Crap
Stop Being Busy
Start Something

* It's not necessary absolutely that you have to have FUN
but life is better when you do.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

We made it!

終於和 Abby 完成了個 Critique Jam 了! 今次所有學生也很願意說話, 拋出的意見雖然有點偏離我們原定的 structure, 但也算順利的吧! Dynamic 很好哩! 我們都不過是 aim for 打開一個 Open Discussion 了嘛... 真的鬆了一大口氣! History 就只剩下兩份 papers 要寫, 我想也不會太困難的...
還有兩個星期就是 M.F.A. Concert 了, 要開始專心排舞, 段 solo 有點東西還是不太滿意的 - dynamic of the timing...
差點忘記了那份 Thesis Profolio, 這個星期要努力完成去了...

** *** Don't get so lOST! 還有二十天我便回來了! 一起撐過去吧!...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A sense of Familiarity

I have waited for Shen Wei's works for a while, finally it came last night. What did I feel about that? A sense of Familarity....
Not seeing any Chinese Choreographers for a long time, it recalled me those CCDC productions I had been nurtured for years in Hong Kong. The structure, the way of moving and the choreography satisified my desire. Yup! Feeling HOME... I could even tell which ones were the Chinese bodies only by their movement qualities. The reason I enjoyed so much was not because of the fabulous dancing or the delicate set, but the taste of ENCOUNTER...

Shen Wei Dance Arts has performed MAP (2005) and one new work called RE-. I love the latter one more, which is more spiritual. It's inspired from Shen Wei's recent journey to Tibet - the process of mediation and healing. With the Tibetian chant, dancers slided and moved on the blue (color means "Empty") sand, that covered the whole stage. It embodied the Mandala practice in Buddhism practice - destory the sand painting once it is created. The spot light at the center transformed the space into an imaginary one. Purity. Peace and Calm.

After the performance, I went to Abby & Ming's house, discussing the Critique Jam we needed to do on Wednesday. However, we were so tired that the brain could no longer function. Ending up we just ate Ben & Jerry's Ice-cream, and chattered whatever for an hour... Haaa... It was almost 12 a.m. when I got back home. Regina and MuiMui have slept, and I kept working on the research for a while... What an exhausting day! Hold on! 22 Days left!!!!

Monday, July 03, 2006


聽了一個故事, 感觸很深, 十年的時間可以轉變很多了吧?!... 回想起自己, 原來所謂的「起起跌跌」並不算什麼... 我是一個相信諾言的人, 大多數的女人也是如此了吧?! 我渴望有天能穿上嫁衣, 說一聲「我願意」, 然後和深愛的人共渡餘生... 這不只是一個理所當然的儀式, 我覺得它是很神聖、很潔淨的, 那是一段感情、一份愛的昇華... 於是我一直不明暸, 怎麼有些相愛很深的人卻堅持的不步入教堂, 這不是很自私了嗎?
可是今天終於明白, 原來有些人是真的不相信「結婚」這回事的... 不是害怕承諾, 也不是在逃避責任... 只是真的不相信罷了...
謝謝疼愛著我的爸媽, 令今天的我仍堅信自己能夠擁有一個幸福的家...
也謝謝深愛的您, 總不讓我的希望落空...
It has been so many nights, sitting here by myself
Hearing the sound of silence. The heart beat. The breathe
Melodizing harmonically
The pulse under the chest, vibrating the ribs
The upper spine. The neck. The skull. The scapular. The shoulders
The arms. The hands on the knees. The thighs. The legs
Swaying the torso backward and forward
The cool air. Skimming over the skin. Fanning my lightless hair

I raise my head. Let the moonlight pouring on my face
A sense of calmness. Peace
I gaze at the deep darkness. Waiting. Waiting for that fleeting moment

Then the moon gets bigger and bigger
The periphery stretches out inch by inch
The soft brightness. Dispreading to the darkness. Covering the endless sky
Then the scenery swirls before my eyes
Then the landscape starts rotating. Spinning about my feet
Then the moon whispers. Asking me to be still. Be still
*** I just finished this prose poem as the assignment of Dance History, writing about "motion" - anything that could move or could be still.....

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Starbucks, I miss you!

終於到了 weekend 了!!!
黃昏的時候, 和 MuiMui、Regina 揸車去了一個遠一點的地方, 有很多 Malls & Stores (可以暫時不用對著那些荒蕪的花花草草...); 陪 MuiMui 逛了 Target, 買一些日用品啦... 到了我至愛的 Barnes & Nobles Bookseller, 還在裡面的 Starbucks 飲了杯 Venti size 的 Mocha Light Fappaccinno!!! 然後在 Lowes Food 上倉... 打道回府...
回到家已是晚上八點多, 天開始黑了.... 原定要做的 paper works 沒有完成, 可是卻感到好滿足哩!!!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

A Crazy Busy Day

7:00 a.m.
又自己彈了起床... 也好, 用了一個早上打完了 History 的 notes...
10 a.m.
和 Abby 在 library 做 research, 關於 Shen Wei, Chinese Opera, Tibet...
11:55 p.m.
到了 Abby 的家繼續傾 Critique Jam, 好 country feel... 見到屋主的三隻貓咪, 好得意哩!
12:45 p.m.
忽然記起了和 costume designer 12:30 p.m. 的 meeting... 激死... 將所有東西寫在 organizer 及 outlook 上, 卻又忘記了看時間.. 又要 re-schedule 了...
1:26 p.m.
沒有上 Mark Haim, 行到了 Ben & Jerry's 竭了一竭, 看完了所有 print-out resources...
3:30 p.m.
走回 Wilson building, 和 DonnaFaye 做 Thesis Advising, 可是無數人進出 office, 最後什麼也沒有討論到...
4:30 p.m.
Dawn joined in, 三人開始 Mentored Studio Practice 的 meeting...
6 p.m.
接著要去聽 Kerry's Research Paper Representation - Post 9/11 Dance in New York City, 很喜歡哩! 這一個小時的 History Salon 也過得好暢快! (還有我最愛的 cheesse + stawberry...)
7:17 p.m.
我用了十三分鐘完成了一個 dinner: 紅蘿蔔+洋蔥飯...
7:30 p.m.
Jen McGinn's rehearsal... 還好, 分了 section 去排, 但最後也 run through 了兩三多次...
9:54 p.m.
終於回到家, 腦裡是一片的空白... 可是回光反照地, 我還沒有倒下... 和 MuiMui 坐在屋外東拉西扯的說了兩個小時... 說著未來, 說著夢想, 也說著現實... 是的, 這陣子是有一點不知何去何從的感覺?! 是否所有的慾望都總要有一點犧牲?! 於是這個世界才沒有一樣叫做「完美」的東西?!