8 minutes
我用了八分鐘的時間, 說了一個一年的故事... 心裡是從未有過的洶湧... 在台上結束這一段旅程, 是最完滿了吧?!..
I want to say...say a little thing...just a little thing... 一點點...走過一點點...懷抱一點點...捨棄一點點...一點點...一點點...一點點...感到一點點...想到一點點...聽到一點點...看到一點點...快樂一點點...悲傷一點點... Maybe more...more...and more...Can you Hear me? 靜止...... 閉上眼, 我會看得見您... I remember... 在動與靜之間...現實與回憶的交界... I remember You... You are here...I was Here...I am Here...Right here...Right now...I want to say...say a little thing... 一點點...我想說的, 其實不只一點點...回憶沉澱著...盛載得很重...很重... Can you Hear me? 您在哪裡?怎麼我看不見您? I am Here...Right here...Right now...

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