the Hardest time

昨天 Brenda 的 presentation: Having It All - Dancing and Motherhood in 3 American Companies, 感動得很... 雖然還未能身同感受, 可是當我看著 Brenda Daniels、DonnaFaye、Lisa Race、Linda、Jennifer Nugent... 心裡是不由得不佩服的...
今天的 Open Showing, Linda 重跳了 Alvin Ailey 的 Cry.. 相隔十年, 蘊藏了的是什麼? 也許除了她自己外, 是沒有人能理解了吧?!... 哭了... 是因為莫名的感動, 是因為看到了一個歷史, 一個女人的身體與生命的一個歷史..
這幾天的情緒動盪得很, 不只是我, 而是整個 M.F.A. group...
This is the HARDEST time I've ever had in my life...
Only by holding on could I get over it ...I know I know... But I just feel so overwhelmed by all the things happening... How many could I accomplish in these two weeks? I am piece off....
Kaco bb, I totally agree with "Only by holding on could I get over it ...I know I know..." it also hard for me in this period , and sometimes i feel so down or 氣餒 of my body and in my mind.But i think i must forus for my job and my aim, so the time will go by, u just forget the time also me.however it is easier to say, harder to do....********** nite KacoBB 15 IvK....i have to work on coming 7am...
BB, we are in the way of DREAM... the road is absolutely harsh with struggles, but I deeply believe I could get over it as long as you are being with me..
so do you, right?
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