A sense of Familiarity

Not seeing any Chinese Choreographers for a long time, it recalled me those CCDC productions I had been nurtured for years in Hong Kong. The structure, the way of moving and the choreography satisified my desire. Yup! Feeling HOME... I could even tell which ones were the Chinese bodies only by their movement qualities. The reason I enjoyed so much was not because of the fabulous dancing or the delicate set, but the taste of ENCOUNTER...
Shen Wei Dance Arts has performed MAP (2005) and one new work called RE-. I love the latter one more, which is more spiritual. It's inspired from Shen Wei's recent journey to Tibet - the process of mediation and healing. With the Tibetian chant, dancers slided and moved on the blue (color means "Empty") sand, that covered the whole stage. It embodied the Mandala practice in Buddhism practice - destory the sand painting once it is created. The spot light at the center transformed the space into an imaginary one. Purity. Peace and Calm.
After the performance, I went to Abby & Ming's house, discussing the Critique Jam we needed to do on Wednesday. However, we were so tired that the brain could no longer function. Ending up we just ate Ben & Jerry's Ice-cream, and chattered whatever for an hour... Haaa... It was almost 12 a.m. when I got back home. Regina and MuiMui have slept, and I kept working on the research for a while... What an exhausting day! Hold on! 22 Days left!!!!
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