The most intellgent person
最後一堂 Tommy 的 history 了! 我們送了一本 Scrapbook 給他, 也買了個超級 rich 的朱古力蛋糕, 寫了我們的 In-Joke, "Come on! Let's Dance for Pancake!" Tommy 也為我們表演了隻 Tap, 第一次看他跳舞哩... 也許都是最後一次吧!
"Thank you, Tommy! You are the most intelligent people I have ever met! It's really great and lucky to have you! Although it has only been two summers, but you totally opened up my mind and view. Your generous made me feel comfortable with 'HISTORY' which I used to get frightened of. I really enjoyed the dynamic and energy we shared even during these stressful day! We love you!"
難得齊人, Jung Eun 今天送了我們一人一個 handmade 小陶瓷, 多謝我們一年來的 love & care.... Another touching moment in the silent air...

難得齊人, Jung Eun 今天送了我們一人一個 handmade 小陶瓷, 多謝我們一年來的 love & care.... Another touching moment in the silent air...
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