We and I
Contemporary Art Project, based on IDENTITY
Thinking of the identity, the first thing came into my mind is the skin color. We and I is all about the color difference shown by the two masks I made.

'We' is the people in my home, i.e. the yellow. The enclosed information indicates the number of babies borned in my birth year of 1983, and the shift of Hong Kong population during these 22 years. However, these numbers actually don't mean anything to me. Beacuse whatever it shifts, we are still Yellow.

'I' is me. Being here with multi-color of Americans, the rare ratio of Asian stands out my difference from others. But at the same time, studying in a Woman College make me realize how the same we are. I got a such strong feeling I have never had--- We are Female. I am Yellow.
Thinking of the identity, the first thing came into my mind is the skin color. We and I is all about the color difference shown by the two masks I made.

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