
Thursday, February 09, 2006


看著這堆數字, 感覺遙遠又相近...
是的, 已經228日了... 手心的溫度一早已減退...
可是您還記得曾經遊走過的每個街角嗎? 走過哪些地方會讓您想起了我? 想起了我們的什麼? 會讓您更孤獨了嗎?
這陣子, 空虛的感覺來襲, 特別的想您...
還是因為想您, 於是覺得特別的空虛? 其實都沒有什麼分別了嘛..
也許, 是因為知道您在想我, 於是我更想您吧...

and so it is, just like you said it would be. Life goes easy on me...most of the time
and so it is, the shorter story, no love no glory no hero in her skies
i can't take my eyes off of you
and so it is, just like you said it should be. We'll both forget the breeze...most of the time
i can't take my eyes off of you
i can't take my mind off of you


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