Its Chioce

Let the movement be itself
Let it move your feet your hands your mind
Let it happens at this moment
Let it be fresh
Let it be slow be fast be still
Let it make chioce on its own
Let it be the sake
Let it be free
Free in your body
這陣子總是徘徊在動與靜之間, 弄不懂如何的決擇。試著問問自己, 有什麼想給看得清楚的? 有什麼流轉得不能停下來的? 可是仍找不到答案... 是的, 我正在和自己角力著... 腦子裡所想的總和身體的速度不一致...
可是那天 Mark Haim 對我說, sometimes it's nice to move with the uncomfort... 想了又想... 也許他是對的, 有時候總要有點阻力才能前行... 但我還是猜不透, 究竟要放開多少才能讓「它」自由?
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