Theatre Run through

坐在觀眾席盯著這個黑箱子, 我想起了再打後一個星期的 MFA Concert... 是的, 又是趕工的時候了!
今天一早起來 rehearsal, 幸好有 Lina 幫我 shooting, 我便不用太擔心 live projection 了... (然而我知道, 入了 threatre, 一切也會不同....) 又是一個惱人的問題...
May our ears hear what nobody wants to hear
May our eyes see what everyone wants to hide
May our mouths speak our true faces and hearts
May our arms be branches that give shade and joy
Let us be a drizzle a sudden storm Let us get wet in the rain
Let us be the key the hand the door the kick the ball the road
Let us arrive as children to this huge playground : the Universe
--by Francisco X. Alarcon, Snake Poems: An Aztec Invocation
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