African American
今年 ADF 看的第一個表演 --- David Dorfman Dance 一個小時的 Underground

"Although I was only 13 during the "Days of Rage" in 1969, too young to be protesting in the Chicago streets, I remember being awed by the audacity of the Weathermen. Now I am interested in the legacy of the Weather Underground's principles, and also in its foibles and its regrets. Looking back at the 60s and how it was the core of my emotional and artistic formation will be my entry point into this exploration-in essence, a return to my own 'movement' roots."

"Although I was only 13 during the "Days of Rage" in 1969, too young to be protesting in the Chicago streets, I remember being awed by the audacity of the Weathermen. Now I am interested in the legacy of the Weather Underground's principles, and also in its foibles and its regrets. Looking back at the 60s and how it was the core of my emotional and artistic formation will be my entry point into this exploration-in essence, a return to my own 'movement' roots."
by David Dorfman
關於戰爭、激進主義、和平、生命... 我喜歡這個主題, 有幾 parts 也是 enjoyable 的... 可是總括來說, 是沒有我預期中的好吧... 不想說失望, 終究我也是愛 David Dorfman, 愛他的 movement quality 和 attitude, 團裡的 dancers 也真的很 strong... 也許這支舞 set 在 幾年前的話, 我是會很喜歡的, 可是當整個舞蹈歷史都在演變及進化, Underground 的 structure 便有一點 cliched 了吧?!
今天 day off, 看了一個下午的 Dance Revelations, 終於完成了這本書! Wowow... 現在整個腦子裡都是 Alvin Ailey American Dance Company... 記得來到 U.S. 前, 我只有「the White」及「the Black」的概念, 卻不知道什麼是「African American」... 是略略知道有點種族歧視的事存在著的, 卻就不知道他們之間的恩怨... 要一次過追溯這麼多年的文化, 對我來說是真的有一點困難... 可是也是一個得著吧, 至少現在當我看著「美國人」, 也不單只是「黑」與「白」... 我看到他們背負著的歷史, 和身體髮膚一樣, 是與生俱來的, 而繫著他們的是一個解不開的結...
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