A Terrace floating in the Air

"P.S this turkey is so big..~17 lbs..and jungeun said its much better than before(she said the meat was so rough last year)..haa..of coz....ashely also made the rainbow jerry..^^"
前幾天收到她的 Email, 又讓我想起了上一年的 Thanksgiving, 和好多好多的面孔... 在地球另一邊的你們都很好嗎?... 我很好, 請放心喔 !~ 想念....
(!!!) 忽然的 Afternoon OFF, 太好哩~
倒很記得在之後的evening show,在混亂的情況下,大家的拔刀相助,最令我感動啊!!當然,你跟水水是當中的表表者啦!^^
When I was small and Christmas trees were tall
We used to love while others used to play
Don't ask me why, The time passed us by
Someone else moved in from far away
Now we are tall and Christmas trees are small
And you don't ask the time of day
But you and I our love will never die
But guess who cried come first of May
The apple tree that grew for you and me
I watch the apples falling one by one
And I recall the moment of them all
The day I kissed your cheek and you were gone
Now we are are tall and Christmas trees are small
And you don't ask the time of day
But you and I our love will never die
But guess who cried come first of May
When I was small and Christmas trees were tall
Don't ask me why, The time passed us by
Someone else moved in from far away
那一個 Evening Show, 印象最深刻的, 是妳用一串長長的聖誕燈飾, 繞著自己的身體, 一直轉, 一直的轉~~ 當時播著的, 是 First of May, 四周漆黑黑, 就只有妳在發亮~~ 不是耀眼的光芒, 卻是柔柔的, 很醉人... 讓淚水都滑下來了...
那剎那間, 就只有深深的悸動... 不是為著什麼... 很多的感動, 都是不為什麼了吧?!
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